Utilizing Our Native Tongue

Electronic Music Council OĂ­che CultĂșir 2023

SeĂĄn Mac Fhionnlaoich

The importance of cultural societies and communities integrating the Irish language into their events and projects today.

Cork City music collective ‘Electronic Music Council’ are making a name for themselves across the island of Ireland with their innovative projects and parties. Their upcoming project ‘Foai Choim na HoĂ­che’ which translates to ‘Under the cover of night’, will take place in City Hall, Cork on Friday the 22nd of September as a part of Culture Night’s 2023 celebrations. The culture night late fund aims to promote and facilitate late night events that cater to a diverse range of audiences, commencing after 9pm and into the night. How the name blossomed, ‘Faoi Choim na hOĂ­che’. 

In an era where languages can be endangered by modernisation, adapting an Irish name for the event asserts that Irish is not a relic of the past but a living, breathing entity that deserves its place in the present. The Electronic Music Council are certainly taking the right steps to promote and encourage the use of the Irish language and culture within their events and projects. 

The importance of incorporating Irish into our cultural events such as ‘OĂ­che CultĂșir 2023’ and Electronic Music Council’s ‘Foai Choim na hOĂ­che’, extends beyond the immediate celebration. By integrating the language into our projects, we ensure that future generations have the opportunity to engage with and appreciate our linguistic roots. The Irish language becomes a gateway to a rich cultural heritage, one that informs identity and shapes a sense of self. 

On the night we will be immersed in a spectacular ‘Drone from the Island AV show’ by performing artist ‘Hybrasil’ which is a project deeply connected to our Irish and Celtic heritage. ‘Faoi Choim na hOíche’ encapsulates the beauty of the electronic music scene in Ireland, where our heritage and music intertwine. Through this remarkable event attendees are invited to immerse themselves into a world where electronic music and our culture come together. The Irish language is not only alive but thriving, and its incorporation into cultural events paves the way for a vibrant and harmonious future.

Tagaimid le chĂ©ile ar OĂ­che CultĂșr 2023 i halla na cathrach i cathair ChorcaĂ­ chun ceol leictreonach agus ĂĄr cultĂșr a ceiliĂșradh. OĂ­che fĂ­or speisialta atĂĄ i gceist le a thuilleadh imeĂĄchtaĂ­ cĂșirthe ar fĂĄil ag an Electronic Music Council. An prĂ­omh imeacht a bheidh ar an oĂ­che nĂĄ lĂ©iriĂș fuaime agus fiosĂșil Ăł ealaĂ­ontĂłir ‘Hybrasil’ le nasc lĂĄidir idir an ceol leictreonach agus ĂĄr cultĂșr Éireannach. Chomh maith leis sin, beidh lĂ©iriĂș Ăł ealaĂ­ontĂłir iontach eile darbh ainm ‘CailĂ­n’ agus beidh sĂ­ ĂĄ lĂ©iriĂș le a ailias ‘GRL’ ar an oĂ­che. Beidh taispeĂĄntas agus ceardlann ag a thuilleadh ealaĂ­ontĂłirĂ­ agus scannĂĄnĂłirĂ­ ag tarlĂș i rith na hoĂ­che freisin. Is ĂłcĂĄid an speisialta Ă© oĂ­che cultĂșr do ealaĂ­ontĂłirĂ­ ar fud na tĂ­re agus is deis iontach Ă© an cheol, cultĂșr agus an Gaeilge a spreagadh.


We come together on Culture Night 2023 in City Hall, Cork city to celebrate electronic music and our culture. A very special night that’s in store with plenty of events on the night provided by the ‘Electronic Music Council’. The main event of the night is an audio visual performance presented by ‘Hybrasil’ with heavy influences from electronic music and Irish culture. As Well as that, there will be a DJ performance on the night from another fantastic artist who goes by the name ‘CailĂ­n’, who will also perform with her alias ‘GRL’. There will be exhibitions and workshops presented throughout the night along with many other artists and filmmakers. Culture Night 2023 is a very special night for many artists across Ireland and it’s a fantastic opportunity to celebrate music, culture and the Irish language.

Ticket link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/faoi-choim-na-hoiche-culture-night-2023-tickets-698327876477?aff=ebdshpsearchautocomplete

Arts Council: https://www.artscouncil.ie/home/

Additional Sponsors

Poachers Drinks: www.poachersdrinks.com/

Underground Ovation: Underground Ovation (underground-ovation.com)

The Woodford Bar & Restaurant: www.thewoodford.ie

McSweeney Distribution & Logistics Ltd

Satellite Taxis: https://www.satellitetaxis.ie/

Primetime: https://prime-time.ie