Golden Space: Ecstatic Dance

Naoise is a multi-disciplinary guide in the Healing Arts, from Cork, Ireland. Mother of two daughters, Shamanic Sound Facilitator, Ceremonialist, Intuitive Energy Worker and Trauma Sensitive Space Holder. An Eternal Student that has been deeply immersed in the world of Holistic Healing for many years.

Many of Naoise’s offerings are in co creation with native plant allies, the elements and the natural world – strengthening our connection to the land, the wisdom of the body and our innate intuition.

Naoise’s work has led her to hold Ceremonial Space for Corporate Wellness Events, Festivals, Zen Hens, and Wellness facilitation in the Charity Sector. The core of Naoise’s compassionate approach is holding space for men & women to feel deeply nourished and supported in their lives through the re-emergence of Ceremony, Community & Connection.

As Founder of Golden Space Naoise collaborates with experts in their field to build nourished, creative and connected community through Dance, Somatic Movement & Sound Experiences, Wellness Retreats, Trauma Sensitive Ceremony Spaces, Grief Tending, Rite of Passage and 1:1 Healing Work – supporting the return to our natural state of enchantment.




Ticket link:

Main Funding Body

Arts Council:

Additional Sponsors

Poachers Drinks:

Underground Ovation: Underground Ovation (

The Woodford Bar & Restaurant:

McSweeney Distribution & Logistics Ltd

Satellite Taxis:
